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Rockwool Sandwich Panels
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Rockwool Sandwich Panels

​Rockwool Sandwich Panels Specifications:

Panel width: 1000mm, 1200mm or as required

Panel length: 1000mm to 3500mm or as required

Panel thickness: from 30mm to 100mm

Core: rockwool

Core density: 100 to 150kgs/m3

Aluminium skin thickness: 0.8mm to 1.2mm

Colors: solid colors, metallic colors

Panel edges: with clip-in edge or closed edge with brackets
Product Description

Rockwool Sandwich Panels

rockwool sandwich panel structure 

What are Rockwool Sandwich Panels?

Rockwool sandwich panel is a three-layer composite panel made of two layers of aluminium sheets bonded to a rock wool core. Rockwool is also known as stone wool.


Rockwool is a stone based mineral fiber. The rock is molten in high temperature furnace and spun mineral fiber. It’s a insulation material with excellent fire proof & sound proof features, and frequently being used as insulation layer of wall cladding. Our rockwool sandwich panel is made with color coated aluminium as skins, it looks very nice but keeps all original properties of rockwool.


Features of Rockwool Sandwich Panels:

  1. Fire retardant. Rockwool sandwich panel is fire retardant material and it has a high melting point, so in case of fire accident, it won’t develop or help to spread the fire. Aluminium has melting point at 660 while rock wool at around 1000

  2. Sound insulated. Rockwool sandwich panel has good sound insulation property. The non-directional structure of rock wool fiber helps to absorb the acoustic waves and reduce the airflow & sound transmission.

  3. Thermal insulated. Rockwool sandwich panel has excellent thermal insulation property. The rock wool reduces the airflow leading to a low heat conductivity.

  4. Rockwool sandwich panel has stable structure as both aluminium skins & rock wool core are stable materials that won’t be easy to be distorted even in a long run.

  5. Rockwool sandwich panel has nice decorative effects like general aluminium panels do.

 Rockwool sandwich panels features

Applications of Rockwool Sandwich Panels:

Rock wool sandwich panels are majorly used for architectural purposes, being used as wall panels or roof panels for factories, warehouses etc. It has easy installation system with just clip-in installation, very convenient.

Aluminium Rockwool sandwich panel applications

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Tel:  (+86)13450770492
E-mail: lzpanels@163.com
Add: 7th, #30, Dongjun Road, Dongchong Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.




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 7th, #30, Dongjun Road, Dongchong Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.
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